


A top 3 list of successful Forex traders in South Africa

A top 3 list of successful Forex traders in South Africa

Written by

Josh Madison

Edited by

Josh Madison

Written on

Jun, 2019

Updated on

Aug, 2020

Table of content

The Forex industry is incredibly easy to get into, but what is the most exciting is the fact that if you keep working in it, working on developing your skills, you will eventually become successful. There are many opportunities that the Forex industry provides for all kinds of people. Students who find themselves to be much better at trading than they thought they would be sometimes drop out and devote their full time to working on the markets. People who have been professionals for most of their life and find themselves successful in the markets at 50 quits and keep trading like there is nothing else. And in the case of those who start working in Forex trading South Africa industry, some of them find themselves to be extremely successful.


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The thing with Forex is that anyone can end up being successful in it, as long as they work hard enough and learn enough. Such is the case of the people who we are going to be discussing now. These people come from South Africa and became some of the most successful traders in the country simply by allowing themselves to enjoy the opportunities that the industry provides. Some of them started trading on loans from their friends, others took no deposit bonuses not much different from the XM $30 no deposit bonus, while others simply took the money they had and invested in the industry. Exploring their cases and understanding where the most successful Forex traders in South Africa come from, might provide us with a hint or two on how to ourselves become one of them.

Sandile Shezi

sandile shezi net worthSandile Shezi was a very lucky man long before he had anything to do with becoming part of the list of successful Forex traders in South Africa. Originally from a poor district within South Africa, Sandile used to go to a local school, where he studied just like the other children did. He did not have anything special about him other than the drive to no longer be living in squalor. The school he went to required tuition to be paid regularly. One time Sandile took the tuition that he had to pay for the entire year of study and invested it elsewhere. Specifically, he chose to try his luck on the Forex markets. What followed was a pure stroke of luck. Investing the money, he saw a return that enabled him to change his life and both pay off the tuition and continue trading on the Forex markets.

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This is a very cinematic story, yes. It is as is fate had the turn of luck in store for him, and there was nothing but a life-changing event waiting for him. But while it is a magnificent story, it is important to remember that this was a stupid idea. There is no single situation where it is wise to take the last money you own, the money that you need in order to go to school and spend it on a market that you have no guarantee of gaining returns from. Even  Thankfully, Sandile got way lucky, and now the 26-year-old operates as a full-time Forex trader and is one of the richest Forex traders in South Africa who actually made money from Forex. He currently owns the Global Forex institute. There he teaches young people who want to become traders on how to trade on the markets, the concepts of Forex and other important details about the market that are useful in operating in the Forex industry, such as what makes a good Forex broker to trade with, in South Africa. He is not alone in his mission to educate young South Africans though, and he has had a lot of help over the years.  Specifically, he has had some of the most from one of the most successful South African Forex millionaires and traders, George van der Riet.

George van der Riet

George is just like most other success stories that end up being told within the Forex and investment industries. He was an average man with the big dream of being rich one day. So George, after graduating from school in Capetown, decided it was time to move out of his native land and go on to the UK, see the world. There George grabbed another degree in Finance and ended up working

george van der riet net worth

for several investment companies around the UK as a manager for Foreign Exchange markets. In his years of trading for companies with large capital access she quickly learned how to be a good trader and how to be a good entrepreneur. While he liked trading, he was tired of doing it for other people, so soon enough George quit and moved back to South Africa in order to become one of the best Forex traders in South Africa.

When he arrived, he was immediately seen as a good investment to have as part of your company. While he got some really good offers from companies, George decided that the best thing to do in order to become one of the top Forex traders in SA was to start his own company that would concentrate on investing in Forex. He did so in 2010, barely within a year of his return to his homeland. This is also when he found Sandile and realized that there was a great future for this stroke of luck millionnaire. They started working together and soon enough Sandile managed to become one of the top Forex trading SA millionaires and a good friend to George. Today they operate the Global Forex INstitute together.

Ref Wayne

While the Global Forex Institute is incredibly popular with the locals, it is not the only institution currently seeking to educate young South Africans in the Forex industry The African Forex Institute was founded by Ref Wayne, the main competitor to the title of one of the youngest Forex traders in South Africa. Ref became a millionaire when he started trading Forex at the age of 22 and has since decided to turn his skill with the markets into something that would be useful for the rest of Africa as well. He founded the institute and teaches about Forex, while also writing guides, books and releasing online courses for those who are interested in the industry.

ref wayne net worthHis story is not as glamorous or as cinematic as the one Sandile tells, but it is one of success nevertheless. The story that is interesting comes after that man became regarded as one of the top 10 richest Forex traders in South Africa. He operates several ventures now, with one of his most recent and impressive ventures being the creator of one of the first African Cryptocurrencies called Pip coin. With this invention, he gives back to the community, while also doing good for himself. He says that unemployment within the country is one of the main reasons that drive him to be the entrepreneur that he is today, sharing the success he has with the rest of the country.

Forex trading in South Africa – a growing industry

The industry is quickly growing around the African continent, and it is something to be very excited about. hundreds and thousands of people are going on the internet to try their hand at Forex trading in South Africa. It promises a way for many to make money that they never thought they would be able to make, and it provides an opportunity to many to become something they never thought they would be able to be: one of the successful Forex Traders in South Africa who have managed to make millions on the markets.

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